2-4 weeks
Date palm trees are hero-plants. Boasting deep strong root systems and unique plant mechanisms, they can survive in extreme conditions like high temperatures, high water and soil salinity, and even long periods of drought. But when your goal is a profitable, cutting-edge business, survival is not enough. To ensure consistently high-quality and high-quantity yields, as well as early fruiting, long orchard life spans, and strong ROI - precision irrigation is the way to go.
Drip irrigation provides highly efficient delivery of water to the roots, ensuring palm trees grow to their full potential. When growing in very hot climates where evapotranspiration is extremely high, water efficiency is critical. In fact, precision irrigation uses 45% less water than the flood in date palms irrigation.
High humidity in your date palm orchard is a one-way ticket to fungal and leaf diseases such as Graphiola leaf spot (Graphiola phoenicis Moug. Poit.). High humidity also affects date quality during the maturation process, with fruits becoming soft and sticky. Drip irrigation avoids excess moisture, ultimately reducing spraying requirements and increasing fruit quality.
Crop yields depend on how you treat your orchard on a daily basis. Precision irrigation and fertigation guarantee healthy trees today, boosting production capacity tomorrow.
Dates are commonly grown in sandy areas. Since sandy soils have poor water holding capacity, the only way to efficiently grow dates on sandy soils is by using drip irrigation.
2-4 weeks
4-6 weeks
10-12 weeks
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