The 5,000 year old assumption that rice grows best anaerobically is now being challenged. Rice grown with drip irrigation not only outproduces conventional paddy rice, but also uses 70% less water, diminishes methane emissions to almost zero, and reduces arsenic uptake by up to 90%.

Drip irrigation for rice - Netafim

Why choose drip irrigation for rice?

  • Rice plants actually prefer drip irrigation
    Rice has the extraordinary ability to grow in anaerobic conditions. But, like most other grains, its optimal environment is actually aerobic. Today, both herbicide and irrigation technology have evolved, eliminating the advantages of anaerobic cultivation and positioning rice plants to flourish with precision irrigation. 
  • Higher profits
    With drip, you can grow more than one crop cycle in rotation, making better use of every hectare.
  • Healthier, more marketable rice
    With paddy farming, there is a very high presence of arsenic within the grain, which is a significant health hazard. With drip irrigation, rice roots are not submerged, reducing arsenic uptake by 90%.

Conserve resources and protect the planet

  • Water efficiency
    Producing a ton of rice in a paddy system will consume 5,000 cubic meter (m3) of water. Alternatively, that same ton grown with drip irrigation will need only 1,500 cubic meter (m3). Drip eliminates evaporation, run-off and percolation.
  • Huge environmental impact
    Paddy rice cultivation generates more than 10% of methane gas emissions worldwide. If only 10% of paddy rice farmers switch to drip, the drop in emissions will be equivalent to taking 40 million cars off the road.


Are you ready to break the conventional rules on rice farming?

Are you ready to break the conventional rules on rice farming?

It’s time to grow profitable, safe, healthy and environmentally friendly rice.

Netafim is now a proud member of SRP -  Sustainable Rice Platform

co-convened by UN Environment and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)The Sustainable Rice Platform is a multi-stakeholder alliance comprising over 100 institutional members. SRP promotes resource-use efficiency and climate change resilience in rice systems – both on-farm and throughout value chains by developing sustainable production standards, indicators, incentive mechanisms and outreach mechanisms to boost wide-scale adoption of sustainable best practices in rice production. By promoting a shift to drip-irrigated rice, Netafim supports rice sector transformation towards a sustainable future.

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Rice field in Turkey - drip irrigation product

Growers stories

Meet the people pioneering precision irrigation

Rice in Turkey

Growing rice on slopes presents a huge challenge. But what if all flat lands are occupied and business must be maximized - watch how drip came through for  this Turkish grower

Bülent Can

Rice, Turkey


It’s time to grow profitable, safe, healthy and environmentally friendly rice.

All fields marked with * are mandatory

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