Water-use efficiency powered by precision irrigation

Water-use efficiency powered by precision irrigation

Water-efficient farming is a global priority. Precision irrigation helps us make better use of the world’s most precious resource, achieving higher and better yields using far less water. Let’s make farming sustainable and change the way we use water.

Water is a limited and shrinking resource and it's essential to growing food.

Agriculture consumes 70 percent of the global freshwater. And yet, in many places around the world, water is wasted through inefficient traditional irrigation methods.

By 2050 we’ll have two billion more mouths to feed.  Meeting this challenge is simply not possible with traditional agriculture.

Let’s change the way we use water to grow food

Precision irrigation is the key to driving water efficiency. It allows the application of water and nutrients to the plant at the right time and place and in small measured doses, providing the plant optimal growing condition, and enabling farmers to produce higher yields while saving on water.

Let’s talk about your water use efficiency.

Let’s talk about your water use efficiency.

We work with growers around the world to analyze their water and help them determine what they can grow with it. Get in touch so we can do something about your water challenges.

Precision irrigation powers water-use efficiency in several ways:

Avoiding water-waste

Avoiding water-waste

Placing water only within the active root zone means we do not waste water in between crop rows, and we also avoid percolation of water below the active root zone. In other words, water is applied only where it can be efficiently consumed by the plant to produce more yield. 

Reducing run-off and leaching

Reducing run-off and leaching

The application of water and nutrients straight to the plant’s root zone in small and measured doses means there is no excessive application of water, and no surface run-off. It also means that there is no leaching of beneficial plant nutrients which would be both a waste of resources and a  groundwater contamination risk.

Reducing evaporation

Reducing evaporation

Applying water by pivot or sprinklers means 10-30% of your water evaporates before it reaches the ground.  Using precision irrigation means far less water is lost to evaporation. With drip irrigation evaporation is actually close to zero.

Enabling reuse of wastewater

Enabling reuse of wastewater

When using precision irrigation, contaminated water is delivered straight to the plant's roots and never comes in contact with the crop itself. This allows you to turn previously useless water into a valuable resource even when growing edible crops without creating any health risk to consumers.



Find out how to power water-use efficiency with drip irrigation

Sustainability means profitability

Today, the best way to deliver bigger, better, more profitable yields is also the most sustainable way to farm. Find out how precision irrigation helps solve critical world challenges like food security and the need for arable land.

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