
Are we ready to give up on 36 million better citizens?

Hagar Kostianovsky

At the turn of the millennium, as a fresh college grad with sparkly eyes and a passion to make an impact on the world, I joined a social NGO that initiated and operated learning centers for children from low income families. My mission was to recruit the business sector to take an active part in volunteering for this cause. The search for companies who would want to involve their employees in long term corporate volunteering was a frustrating journey filled with lots of “No, thank you!”. My personal journey to meaningful, impactful, and lasting corporate social responsibility had begun.

Fields of Opportunity for Female Empowerment

Victoria Lilti

As an agricultural engineer at Netafim, working as Project Manager with the Africa and Middle East team, I am reminded on a daily basis how technology is fundamentally changing the field of agriculture, and in doing so, helping to drive the empowerment of women. Many aspects of agriculture have traditionally been male-dominated, from ownership to expansion to marketing and sales but technological advances, combined with changing global dynamics and awareness, are slowly transforming the field both literally and figuratively, making it more accessible to women.

My life changing vacation in Tanzania

Monir Ahuisat

As the Community Outreach and Volunteer Resources coordinator at Netafim Israel, I am privileged that my work and my passion for impacting society are in sync. Netafim’s commitment to social responsibility, applying its innovation and creativity to strengthen and empower the community and its weaker links is a principle that I have fully related to during my 25 years at the company and am now responsible for putting into action.

A special bacteria and precision irrigation save a nature reserve

Ziv Ribak