Winning the Battle Against Giant Borer in Sugarcane Farming
Sugarcane cultivation in Northeast Brazil has long been threatened by the Giant Borer, a pest that can severely damage the crop, reducing productivity by as much as 65%. The Giant Borer drills into cane stalks, and destroying sugarcane quality. Recent years have seen a rise in infestations, especially in the northeastern states, intensifying the struggle for growers.
As Netafim’s Sugarcane agronomist for almost 25 years, including seven years in Brazil, I’ve witnessed firsthand the challenges sugarcane growers face in battling the Giant Borer. Since focusing on sugarcane in 2007, advancing sustainable solutions to protect crops and improve farmers' livelihoods has been my mission. Through my work, I’ve been focused on finding innovative, sustainable ways to improve sugarcane farming and help growers overcome these challenges.
The following article, a shared work with Daniel Pedroso, Agronomic Department, Netafim Brasil explores:
- Methods currently used to eradicate the Giant Borer
- The evolution of drip irrigation as an efficient delivery system
- Effective biological and chemical controls of Giant Borer through drip irrigation
- Successful case studies of Giant Borer control using subsurface drip irrigation
Healthy field treated by Altacor via sub surface drip
Nontreated field, severe damage by Giant Borer
For more information on drip irrigation for sugarcane, visit our Sugarcane Crop Knowledge page.